The Natural Bedding Company Journal

The Natural Bedding Company Blog | Natural & Organic Latex Mattresses Australia

Your mental health toolkit for surviving lockdown

While grappling with the situation we find ourselves in, it can be easy to neglect your own wellbeing . Mindfulness and regular exercise are great ways to keep yourself grounded and focused on the present while revisiting your favourite books and movies is sure to lift your mood. Fingers crossed that things improve soon, but in the meantime take a look at these helpful tips to put your health first during this difficult time. [4 min read]

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Maintaining boundaries when working from home

Working from home has become something a lot of us have been adjusting to recently, but how do you maintain your work/life balance when both exist in the same space? The best way to work from home without it consuming you completely is to set boundaries. So, we’ve come up with this handy guide to help keep you happy, healthy and make the dividing lines between work and life clear. [4 min read]

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What is sleep hygiene + how good is yours?

Good sleep hygiene is vital to being well rested and ensuring you meet the day at your best. Simple changes to your routine, both during the day and just before bed, will set you up for the deep, fulfilling sleep you deserve. Get started on your healthy sleep journey today with this handy guide. [4 min read]

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How we started a natural bedding company

Our journey so far has been anything but typical as we have grown from a backyard futon business to an organic latex and handcrafted furniture company with a workshop in the heart of Sydney. While our products may have changed over the years, our commitment to natural materials and sustainability has never wavered. Discover more about our values and The Natural Bedding Company’s exciting future! [3 min read]

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Five glorious Sydney hiking trails

Rediscover Sydney’s natural beauty with these five breathtaking walks. Whether you prefer rugged mountains or pristine beaches, these hikes will have something perfect for you. Reward yourself this winter with an adventure that’s healthy for both your body and mind. [3 min read]

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