House plants bring fresh vibrancy to your home, they purify the air, and they
make your space look gorgeous - is there anything they can’t do? If you’re
dipping your toe in the house plant pool, you’ll quickly see why they’ve become
so popular; dull rooms feel brighter, your aesthetic gets a huge upgrade - and
you’ll get the smug feeling of someone who owns gorgeous, thriving plants.
But trust us, we’ve learned the hard way which plants succeed, and which ones
need a LOT of TLC. So in the interest of helping you find your dream house
plant aesthetic, we recommend starting with these 6 obsessions.
1 Peace Lily

Starting with a classic, the peace lily is a hardy and forgiving houseplant that
really lifts your interior game. This gorgeous plant even tells you when she’s
thirsty - the leaves will droop, before perking up again once you’ve watered it.
But the best part about the peace lily is the stunningly elegant white flowers that
it produces on select occasions. The peace lily plant is also known for its
air-purifying abilities; it’s great at breaking down and neutralising toxic gases like
carbon monoxide and formaldehyde.
To keep this beauty alive, keep them in low-light spaces either in shade or
partial shade, give it a big drink about once a week, and spritz leaves with water
in summer to keep your peace lily hydrated. Peace lilies are susceptible to root
rot, so it’s important to make sure your plant has a chance to dry out between
waterings. Also ensure the container or pot it lives in has adequate drainage and
a saucer underneath to catch water that drains through the holes.
2. Jade Plant
Jade plants are actually a form of succulent with small pink or white
flowers, and are known as the lucky plant - or the money plant. This plant
is super easy to take care of, with the biggest factors for success being
water and sunlight.
The key to keeping jade plants thriving? Never let a jade plant dry out
completely, but only water when the soil is dry to touch. Also, keep your jade
plant in full sun in order for it to grow properly. Simple!
3. Fiddle Leaf Fig
The jewel in the crown of houseplants (or at least Instagram says so) is the
Fiddle Leaf Fig. Tall with stark, robust leaves, this houseplant is a coveted one,
so follow these tips to keep yours thriving and photo-ready.
The Fiddle Leaf Fig loves a warm, humid environment (like the bathroom),
The Fiddle Leaf Fig loves a warm, humid environment (like the bathroom),
with at least a few hours of direct sun each day, and moist soil conditions.
Water it thoroughly whenever the top few centimetres of soil have dried,
but be careful of overwatering as it can lead to root rot.
Some pro tips for keeping this houseplant happy include rotating your Fig once
Some pro tips for keeping this houseplant happy include rotating your Fig once
a month to keep it standing straight and tall (the leaves will grow toward the
sun); and rinsing your plant’s leaves once a month to ditch any dust that’s
preventing it from absorbing sunlight.
4. Monstera
If we were looking for the most photogenic houseplant, the Monstera is the
obvious winner. With it’s broad, swiss cheese-like leaves, elegant stems, and
bright green colour, they’re the dreamiest way to give your home fresh life.
Look out for when new leaves start to unfurl; their delicate unveiling is a sight to
The Monstera thrives in bright indirect light, so it just needs a seat by the
window. You only need to water it every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out
between waterings. If you spot pests on the leaves (which rarely happens) try
using neem oil to get rid of them. That’s it - pretty and low-maintenance,
the Monstera is the perfect houseplant!
5. String of Pearls
The string of pearls succulent is a really fun one to decorate your home with,
due to its glorious, cascading aesthetic. Living up to its name, the pea-like
foliage that develops from this plant sprawls over the edge of the pot, making it
ideal for hanging or sitting on high shelves.
The string of pearls succulent grows well in bright light, including sunlight, and
will thrive when potted in a well-draining, sandy kind of soil. Given its
water-storing abilities, you can water this plant fairly infrequently (1-2 times
a month) and even less in winter. Let the soil dry out in the top few centimetres
in between watering. Another huge plus to this plant is the ability to propagate
it. Take a cutting or two from your string of pearls, place them in a pot of soil,
and they’ll easily take root.
6. Zanzibar Gem
Commonly referred to as the ZZ plant, this species originated from
drought-prone areas of Africa, and boasts waxy, dark green leaves that grow in
an overlapping fashion. Being drought-resistant means it's a hard plant to kill,
and requires watering around once a month - add some liquid fertiliser to help it
grow even stronger. And don’t fret about where in your house it lives - this thing
will be happy in low to bright indirect light.
If the plant's branches get a bit too unruly, simply prune them back. And if you
fancy yourself another ZZ plant, you can repot a cutting with two leaves and a
bit of stem. This thing is resistant to bugs and insects too, so go forth and enjoy
this luscious, fruitful houseplant!
Get ready for a totally invigorated interior vibe, because these house plants are
lush and loveable. You’ll be thankful you hopped aboard the house plant train!
Have you tried any of these plants in your home?